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Google ads server-side tracking
Google ads server-side tracking
Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated yesterday


Google currently supports Google ads API to send conversion data back to the platform. Since Google ads do not deduplicate data between client-side and server-side, you have to run this conversion in parallel with your client-side or replace your client-side conversion. and set the server-side as the primary action.

100% more data tracked by Attribuly, compare with Shopify Google & Youtube tags.

What data is transferred?

Below events that are generated by Google ads can be posted back to Google Ads:

  • Page view

  • Add to cart

  • Checkout start

  • Checkout completed

  • Form submission.


Conversion value

Page view

1 in account currency

Add to cart

quantity * price

Checkout start

total price

Checkout completed

total price

Form submission

Revenue / leads quantity

Lead value post back

Most lead value is settled as $1, which is not the actual value. Google doesn't really get the real value to target more high-value leads.

Attribuly is the first vendor in e-Commerce to calculate the lead value at a campaign level. Hence every Google campaign gets a different lead lifetime value from Attribuly. So Google targets higher value leads when your conversion goal is the "conversion value".

Step1: Set up conversion feed

Create a new destination, follow the steps.

Your connected Gogole ads account will display in the next step, choose which account you want to sent to, and save.

Step 2: Set primary conversion

Go to Google ads manager, click to tools and setting-Measurement- conversion

You will see a conversion action starting with "Attribuly xxx", this is the conversion data sent from Attribuly.

And Google sums all the primary actions as your total conversion value. So you need to only set one correct primary action. Or your value attributed to Google ads, will be bigger than the actual

Go to the conversion action setting, set Attribuly purchase as the primary action, and set all the other actions as secondary.

Google Ads Enhanced conversions

Enhanced conversions is a feature that offers several advantages for online businesses:

  1. Improved Conversion Measurement Accuracy: Enhanced conversions can significantly improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement. This means you'll have a more precise understanding of how your ads are performing and which actions are leading to conversions.

  2. Unlocking More Powerful Bidding: By providing more accurate data, enhanced conversions enable more effective bidding strategies in Google Ads. This can lead to better ad performance and more efficient use of your advertising budget.

  3. Better Attribution: Enhanced conversions help in tracking user actions across devices and browsers. This improved tracking capability allows for better attribution of conversions to the right marketing efforts, giving you a clearer picture of your customer's journey.

We have seen some exciting performance with this feature.

The Enhanced conversions are getting "Excellent" after 2 weeks of validation.

Attribuly records 20% more conversions than Google tag or other sever-side tracking tools.

Set up guide

To Enable the Enhanced Conversions in Attribuly, follow below steps.

Step 1: Enable Enhanced Conversions for leads.

Step 2: Monitor the "Status" of conversion goal. You may get "Attention" notice in first few weeks, then it will turn to "Active".

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